Offices and Services
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130 Offices and Services
360° Program: An interdisciplinary experience
360° is an interdisciplinary experience that creates an opportunity to participate in a cluster of multiple courses connecting students and faculty in a single semester (or in some cases across contiguous semesters) to focus on common problems, themes, and experiences for the purposes of research and scholarship.
Academic Support
The Office of Academic Support assists students in identifying and implementing strategies for effective learning by collaborating with each student to adopt methods that utilize their unique strengths.
Rachel Heiser, Assistant Dean of the College and Director of Academic Support
Phone 610-526-5375
Access Services
Bryn Mawr College welcomes the full participation of individuals with disabilities in all aspects of campus life. The Access Services office in Guild Hall provides support and reasonable accommodations for eligible students, employees, and guests with disabilities.
Joanna Timmerman, Assistant Director of Access Services
Phone 610-526-7516
The Bryn Mawr College Admissions Office is committed to identifying and enrolling students who represent a diversity of cultural, educational, and geographic experiences.
Caitlin Brown, Associate Director of Admissions and Coordinator of Enrollment Communications
Phone 610-526-5152
Africana Studies
The Africana Studies Program is an interdisciplinary program that prides itself on offering courses that examine Africanness and Blackness in a globalized world.
Chanelle Wilson, Director of Africana Studies, Assistant Professor of Education
Phone 610-526-5088
Alumnae/i Relations and Development
Alumnae/i Relations and Development centralizes a number of functions—such as the magazine, career support, communications, and volunteer development—to allow the Alumnae/i Relations team to focus efforts and resources on alumnae/i engagement and support.
Frances Salvacion, Donor Engagement Associate
Phone 610-526-5532
Anthropology is a holistic study of the human condition in both the past and the present.
David Marchino, Academic Administrative Assistant, Social Sciences
Phone 610-526-5030
Many young students today are interested in learning Arabic, as it opens up opportunities for work in 22 countries (the members of the Arab League). But, most importantly, students in colleges and universities in the United States learn Arabic (among other languages) because language is the key to any cultural exchange and understanding.
Arts at Bryn Mawr
Appreciating, learning about, and creating art are vital to Bryn Mawr's campus culture. In this lively, diverse community, the arts build bridges to the wider world, stimulating intellectual and social growth.
Asian American Studies
Asian American Studies is a Tri-College program that offers a minor at all three colleges. The Asian American Studies interdisciplinary curriculum is designed to help students develop an understanding of Asian American experiences, histories, cultures, and art.
Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering information about a particular academic or administrative activity to determine if it is achieving its stated goals.
Richard Barry, Ph.D. , Director of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment
Phone 610-526-6532
Athletics and Physical Education
Bryn Mawr's Physical Education curriculum is designed to provide opportunities to develop lifelong habits that will enhance the quality of life.
Lauren Altschuler, Interim Assistant Athletics Communications Director
Phone 610-526-5365
Bias Response
The Role of Bias Response Team is to: Help to establish the facts and the nature of a reported incident; Ensure that personal support is available to the targeted individual(s) and/or group(s); Assist in directing all parties involved to available community resources and proper channels for reporting and action; Assist in mediating communication between the individual(s) reporting the incident and the individual(s) responsible for it; Maintain ongoing and followup communication with involved parties to address the concerns and needs of all parties involved.
Ann-Therese Ortíz, Associate Dean for Equity, Inclusion and Community Life
Phone 610-526-6571
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major serves as a rigorous preparation for a career in biochemistry or biotechnology, graduate school in biochemistry or a related field, or enrollment in a health-related professional school.
Andrew Gallagher, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-7392
The Department of Biology is an interactive community of undergraduates, faculty, and staff who work together to better understand the nature and significance of living systems.
Blended Learning
The Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts Initiative is a collective effort to discover and share ways for using blended learning to support learner-centered pedagogies, facilitate meaningful faculty-student interactions, and focus on the deep, active and authentic learning that liberal arts colleges value.
Board of Trustees and Office of the Secretary of the College
The general administration and management of the Corporation and all powers of the Corporation are hereby granted to and vested in the Board of Trustees. The work of the Board of Trustees is supported by the Office of the Secretary of the College, which serves as the liaison between the campus community and the Board.
Amanda Chudnow, Assistant Secretary of the College and Senior Director of Special Projects
Phone 610-526-5120
Bookshop at Bryn Mawr College
Your source for textbooks, apparel, merchandise, and more.
Breaking Barriers
Breaking Barriers was previously known as FGLI. At Bryn Mawr, FGLI refers to students who are the first in their families to attend a four-year college in the U.S. and/or who come from low-income households.
Leslie Lizbet Castrejon, Assistant Dean for Student Support and Belonging
Phone 610-526-6588
Bryn Mawr Alumnae Bulletin is the magazine and alumnae publication of Bryn Mawr College. Through news roundups, regular columns, feature articles, and Class Notes, the Bulletin aims to connect readers to each other and to the College, to update them on campus happenings, to engage them in robust discussion on timely topics, and to introduce them to Mawrters making a difference in the world.
Campus Safety
Bryn Mawr College's Campus Safety Department operates continuously to provide a safe environment for our faculty, staff, students and visitors that is conducive to both academic achievement and social development.
Lil Burroughs, Bi-Co Campus Safety Executive Director
Phone 610-526-7911
Career & Civic Engagement Center
The Career & Civic Engagement Center is an effort to greatly enhance the opportunities available to students for their personal and professional development.
CARLA — Coalition for Anti-Racist Literacy
Started with 16 members in 2018, CARLA — Coalition for Anti-Racist Literacy at Bryn Mawr College has grown to more than 80 members — consistently a mix of students, staff, and faculty.
Joi Dallas, Assistant Dean for Intercultural Engagement
Phone 610-526-5665
Center for Child and Family Wellbeing
The Center has been built around the mission to foster an interdisciplinary focus on a broad range of issues and challenges faced by today's children and families.
Center for Professional Development
The Center for Professional Development (ProDev) offers many opportunities to enhance the career-long learning objectives of professional social workers, counselors, and marriage and family therapists.
Peggy Robinson, Center Director for Professional Development
Phone 610-520-2614
Center for Social Sciences
The Center's goals are twofold: 1) to raise the academic and intellectual visibility of the social sciences at Bryn Mawr and in the broader community; and 2) to build collaborative relationships among social science faculty and students.
Darren Manley, Academic Administrative Assistant, Social Sciences
Phone 610-526-5030
Center for Visual Culture
As one of the College’s original Centers for 21st Century Inquiry, the Center for Visual Culture draws upon Bryn Mawr’s rich traditions in art and archaeology and augments them with an equally rigorous study of visual media from the invention of photography and film in the 19th century to the ubiquitous digital media of the 21st.
Lisa Madelaine Kolonay, Academic Administrative Assistant, Center for Visual Culture, Institut d'Avignon and Office of the Provost
Phone 610-526-5984
Bryn Mawr’s Chemistry Department has a more than century-long tradition of combining high quality, visible research programs with excellent teaching.
Child and Family Studies
The CFS minor provides a flexible but cohesive educational opportunity for undergraduate students interested in children, families, schools, and social-cultural contexts. Within this broad framework, different disciplines focus inquiry into the biological, familial, psychological, socioeconomic, political, cultural, and educational dimensions of child and family well-being and the varying life courses and life chances of individuals.
Heejung Park, Co-Director of Child and Family Studies
Phone 610-526-7578
Child Study Institute
The Child Study Institute (CSI) ceased operations at Bryn Mawr College on May 31, 2018. CSI served children and families on the Main Line for more than 60 years. CSI’s client records/files/reports will continue to be housed securely at Bryn Mawr College.
Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology
The Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology trains undergraduates and graduate students in the archaeology of the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern worlds.
Alex Dooley, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5053
College Communications
The Office of College Communications tells the story of Bryn Mawr College—clearly, consistently, and compellingly—to a variety of audiences. The mission of the communications office is to promote awareness and recognition of Bryn Mawr College and its community of student scholars, faculty, staff, and alumnae/i.
College Counsel
The College Counsel serves as the College's chief legal officer and is responsible for the provision of legal services to the College and its trustees, officers, and employees.
Comparative Literature
Comparative Literature is a Bi-Co (Bryn Mawr and Haverford) program that draws on the diverse teaching and research interests of the faculty at the two colleges.
Katherine (Katie) Pidot, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5198
Computer Science
The program at Bryn Mawr is founded on the belief that computer science should transcend from being a subfield of mathematics and engineering and play a broader role in all forms of human inquiry. The Computer Science Department is supported jointly by faculty at both Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges.
Conferences and Events
The Conferences and Events Office at Bryn Mawr College is dedicated to working with our faculty, staff, students and external organizations planning and executing events on the campus.
Debra Chadwick, Administrative Assistant, Conferences and Events
Phone 610-526-7329
Creative Writing
Courses in creative writing are designed for students who wish to develop their skills and talents in creative writing in a variety of genres (poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, playwriting, screenwriting) and for those intending to pursue studies in creative writing at the graduate level.
Dan Parker, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5306
The Dance Program offers a rich array of dance experiences for the many and diverse students who choose Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges.
Data Science
The Data Science (DS) Program is an interdisciplinary collaboration that includes a minor in Data Science and significant programming for all in the Bryn Mawr community.
Digital Competencies
The Digital Competencies Program helps students forge a meaningful path from their first-year college orientation course through to their senior-year career planning.
Jennifer Spohrer, Director of Educational & Scholarly Technology
Phone 610-526-7636
Dining Services
The Bryn Mawr College Dining Services team takes pride in providing a variety of wholesome and delicious foods and in being responsive to tastes and nutritional needs. Our menu always includes vegetarian and vegan options.
Richard Clow, Assistant Director, Dining Services
Phone 610-526-7400
East Asian Languages and Cultures
The Bi-College East Asian Languages and Culture Studies department welcomes students who wish to combine their interests in East Asian languages with the study of East Asian culture and society.
Economics is a social science that studies the allocation of scarce resources as a means to better understand many kinds of human interaction.
The Bryn Mawr/Haverford Education Program centers on teaching and learning as fundamental to human life and growth, and fundamentally connected to struggles for understanding, liberation, and justice.
Margo Lupton Schall, Education Department Coordinator and Advisor
Phone 610-526-5010
Emily Balch Seminars
The Balch Seminars introduce all first-year students at Bryn Mawr to a critical, probing, thoughtful approach to the world and our roles in it.
Gail Hemmeter, Director, Emily Balch Seminar Program
Phone 610-526-5306
Environmental Health and Safety
The Office of Environmental Health and Safety provides support and training for a wide range of concerns, including laboratory safety, general workplace safety, compliance with environmental regulations, and hazardous-waste disposal.
Sakinah Rahman, Director of Administrative Services, Finance and Administration
Phone 610-526-7965
Environmental Studies
The Bi-Co Environmental Studies department is dedicated to training the next generation of environmental scholars, activists, and educators for the world that they will inherit.
Don Barber, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Geology, on the Harold Alderfer Chair in Environmental Studies, Bryn Mawr College
Phone 610-526-5110
Facilities Services
Facilities Services' goal is to make your time at Bryn Mawr as comfortable and rewarding as possible through housekeeping and maintenance services.
Deb Grant, Associate Director for Business Operations
Phone 610-526-7930
Bryn Mawr's fellowships advisers offer guidance on all stages of the application process, such as writing personal statements, requesting letters of recommendation, completing online forms, and preparing for interviews.
Eleanor (Ellie) Stanford, Fellowship Adviser
Phone 610-526-5375
Film Studies
The Film Studies Program at Bryn Mawr College provides students with opportunities to study the history, theory, and criticism of moving images, with an emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of cinema as a key form in modern visual culture.
Finance and Administration
The goal of the finance team is to steward and account for the financial resources of the College in a manner that best supports its mission and strategic goals
Financial Aid
At Bryn Mawr, we view financing higher education as a partnership between the student and the student's family, the state and federal governments, and the College.
First-Year Experience
First-Year Experience supports new students on their transition to college through summer programming, Customs New Student Orientation, THRIVE, and special events and programs throughout the year.
Mary Beth Horvath, Associate Dean of the Undergraduate College
Phone 610-553-7332
Flexner Lecturership
Established in honor of Mary Flexner, a Bryn Mawr graduate of the class of 1895, the Lectureship has brought some of the world's best-known humanists to campus.
Ruth Lindeborg, Chief of Staff and Secretary of the College
Phone 610-526-5157
French and Francophone Studies
French and Francophone Studies is recognized as one of the top undergraduate French programs in the country.
Katherine (Katie) Pidot, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5198
Gender and Sexuality Studies
The Bi-Co Gender and Sexuality Studies is an interdisciplinary program committed to the study of a range of questions raised by the category of gender.
Geology combines physics and biology, chemistry and math in the interdisciplinary study of the Earth and the environment.
Andrew Gallagher, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-7392
German and German Studies
The Bi-College Department of German and German Studies enables students to gain a critical understanding of the political, social, and historical influences that shaped German culture and to analyze its role in the contemporary global context.
Leslie Lawrence, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5083
Global Engagement
Global Engagement coordinates and communicates the College's global engagement in the areas of learning, community, and infrastructure.
Graduate Admissions
Welcome to the Office of Graduate Admissions. We encourage you to connect with us directly if you have questions regarding a specific program, the application process, or life at Bryn Mawr as a graduate student.
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Students in Graduate School of Arts and Sciences pursue research in graduate programs of international reputation.
Xuemei Cheng, Dean of Graudate Studies and Professor of Physics
Phone 610-526-5074
Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research
The Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research (GSSWSR) is distinctive for its dedication to fine teaching, individual attention, and high academic standards within a liberal arts tradition.
Sue Witherite, Program Administrator and Assistant to the Dean
Phone 610-520-2611
Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies
From its early days, Bryn Mawr has had an international reputation in Classical languages, and the College is home to a lively community of undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty members interested in Classical subjects.
Leslie Lawrence, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5083
Growth and Structure of Cities
The interdisciplinary Growth and Structure of Cities major challenges the student to understand the dynamic relationship of urban spatial organization and the built environment to politics, economics, cultures, and societies.
Margaret Kelly, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5334
Health and Wellness Center
Students can access Health Services via telehealth and in-person by appointment. Counseling Services provides counseling and limited psychiatry via telecounseling using a HIPPA-compliant platform.
Health Professions Advising
The Health Professions Advising Office provides information and assistance to students and alumnae who are interested in careers in any of the health professions.
Gail Glicksman, Assistant Dean, Health Professions Advising
Phone 610-526-7350
Health Studies
The Health Studies Minor at Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges brings together courses and faculty members in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities to guide students through the biomedical, cultural, ethical, and political questions that relate to health issues on local, regional, and global scales.
Kalala Ngalamulume, Co-Director of Health Studies, Associate Professor of Africana Studies and History
Phone 610-526-5042
Hebrew and Judaic Studies
Modern Hebrew language instruction is available at Bryn Mawr through the elementary level. At Haverford, Judaic Studies courses are offered by the Department of Religion. Bryn Mawr also offers several courses which complement Haverford’s offerings in Judaic Studies.
Leslie Lawrence, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5083
History at Bryn Mawr is about questioning and explaining how the past has been constructed, understood, and made into what we call "history."
History of Art
The curriculum in History of Art immerses students in the study of visual culture. Structured by a set of evolving disciplinary concerns, students learn to interpret the visual through methodologies dedicated to the historical, the material, the critical, and the theoretical.
Margaret Kelly, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5334
Human Resources
The Human Resources Department at Bryn Mawr College is responsible for the recruitment and retention of all staff positions, and administers the benefits programs for both staff and faculty.
Institut d'Avignon
A six-week intensive summer program in Provence in French and Theater studies.
Lisa Kolonay, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5984
Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment
The Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment gathers, evaluates, and analyzes campus data and provides information about the College both to the general public and to College policymakers.
Jeanine W. Molock, Ph.D, Director of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment
Phone 610-526-6599
International Studies
The International Studies major builds upon collaborative and interdisciplinary relationships that have developed since the program was launched as a minor in 2005. International Studies has been offered as a major at Bryn Mawr since 2012.
Latin American, Iberian, and Latina/o Studies
Latin American, Iberian, and Latino peoples, histories, and cultures have represented both central agents and crucibles of transformations across the entire world for millennia.
David Marchino, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5030
Library & Information Technology Services
Our mission is to partner with Bryn Mawr College departments and community members to enable teaching, learning, research, and administrative work institution-wide by providing contemporary tools, data, scholarly resources, and expertise.
Elizabeth Roan, Executive Assistant to the CIO and Director of Libraries
Phone 610-526-5271
Bi-Co students may major or minor in the Tri-Co Linguistics Department (Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore). Linguistics is the scientific study of language — we develop techniques to explore patterns that all human languages have in common and investigate the ways in which each is unique.
Literatures in English
The Department of Literatures in English offers a wide range of courses in literatures of the English-speaking world, from medieval romances to contemporary novels and film.
Welcome to the Bryn Mawr College Mailroom!
The Math Department at Bryn Mawr is a vibrant and supportive community with a program that has been nationally recognized by the American Mathematical Society.
Tina Fasbinder, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5348
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship
The fundamental objective of MMUF is to increase the number of minority students, and others with a demonstrated commitment to eradicating racial disparities, who will pursue PhDs in core fields in the arts and sciences.
Tomiko Jenkins, Acting Co-dean of the Undergraduate College
Phone 610-526-5375
Middle Eastern, Central Asian, and North African Studies
The program in Middle Eastern, Central Asian, and North African Studies (MECANA) focuses on the study of the area from Morocco to Afghanistan from antiquity to the present day. A steering committee from Bryn Mawr College co-ordinates courses and works with colleagues from Haverford and Swarthmore College on tri-college curricular planning.
Alex Dooley, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5053
Museum Studies
Bryn Mawr College's program in Museum Studies provides a rich and dynamic education in both museum theory and practice.
Bi-College Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program: The desire to understand human and animal behavior in terms of nervous system structure and function is longstanding.
Dustin Albert, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Phone 610-526-7979
Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program
The Philadelphia Regional Noyce Partnership-Scholarship program is an initiative of the Philadelphia Regional Institute for STEM Educators (PRISE) which in addition to the above six institutions also includes Drexel University, the University of Pennsylvania, West Chester University, and the Philadelphia Education Fund.
Victor Donnay, William Kenan Professor of Mathematics
Phone 610-526-5352
OneCard is the official identification card for students, faculty, and staff at Bryn Mawr College and Haverford College. OneCard uses innovative technology to provide easy and direct access to Bi-College resources.
Bryan Connor, Manager, Bi-College OneCard Office, Dining Services
Phone 610-526-5645
Open Access
Each Faculty member grants to Bryn Mawr College permission to make available her or his scholarly articles and to exercise the copyright in those articles.
Camilla MacKay, Scholarly Communications Librarian
Phone 610-526-7910
Peace, Conflict, and Social Justice Studies
The Peace, Conflict, and Social Justice Studies concentration reflects Bryn Mawr’s and Haverford’s interest in the study of conflicts, peacemaking, and social justice as well as related issues of human rights.
Alison Cook-Sather, Director of Peace, Conflict, and Social Justice Studies
Phone 610-526-5396
Peer Tutors
Peer tutoring is available to assist students in building fundamental course knowledge and finding effective strategies for learning. You can meet with a peer tutor at any stage in the learning process.
Rachel Heiser, Assistant Dean of the Undergraduate College and Director of Academic Support
Phone 610-526-5375
Performing Arts Series
Since 1984 the Bryn Mawr College Performing Arts Series has presented great artists and performances to Philadelphia-area audiences, creating an environment in which the value of the arts is recognized and celebrated.
Phebe Anna Thorne School
The mission of the Thorne School is to provide play-based, developmentally appropriate child-centered programs for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners.
Amanda Ulrich, Director, Phebe Anna Thorne School
Phone 610-526-7913
The Bryn Mawr Department of Philosophy introduces students to some of the most compelling responses, both historical and contemporary, to questions of human existence and knowledge.
The Department of Physics at Bryn Mawr College offers an engaging program in physics combining dedicated and meticulous teaching, stellar research opportunities, and a welcoming and enjoyable community.
Nina F. Fichera, Academic Administrative Assistant for Computer Science, Physics and Linguistics
Phone 610-526-5358
Political Science
Political scientists explore connections between people and institutions where power or authority is at stake, such as during revolutions or elections or in the creation and execution of laws.
Posse at Bryn Mawr
The concept of a Posse works for both students and college campuses, and is rooted in the belief that a small, diverse group of talented students — a Posse — carefully selected and trained, can serve as a catalyst for increased individual and community development.
Tomiko Jenkins, LCSW, MSW, Posse Liaison; Dean of Student Life
Phone 610-526-5377
Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program
Bryn Mawr offers highly motivated career changers who never took the premedical courses the opportunity to complete an intensive, full-time preparation for medical or dental school in one year.
Erika Dawson, Assistant Director of the Postbaccalaureate Program
Phone 610-526-7350
Pre-Employment Language Workshop for Teaching Assistants
All prospective teaching assistants are required to attend the Pre-Employment TA Language Workshop.
President's Office
Wendy Cadge is the 10th president of Bryn Mawr College and a nationally renowned expert in contemporary American spirituality and religion. Cadge previously served as the dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Brandeis University. She received her bachelor’s degree with high honors and majors in Sociology and Anthropology, and Religion, from Swarthmore College, and her master’s and Ph.D. from Princeton University.
Susan Lewis, Executive Assistant to the President
Phone 610-526-5156
The Provost is the College's chief academic officer and reports to the President. The Provost oversees all Academic Departments/Programs and Schools, the Athletics and Physical Education Department, the Health Professions Advising Office, the Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment, the Office of Institutional Grants, and the Office of Sponsored Research.
Tina Bockius, Faculty Administrative Coordinator
Phone 610-526-5167
The goals of the Psychology Department are to provide students with a foundational understanding of the theories and scientific methods that psychologists use to explore questions fundamental to human and animal behavior.
Q Center
The Q Center supports the development of mathematical, logical, computational, and statistical problem-solving skills that are required in quantitative disciplines across the Bryn Mawr curriculum, and by the complex challenges of our increasingly quantitative world.
Reading Series
In the almost 40 years since presenting its inaugural readings by Etheridge Knight and Toby Olson in the spring of 1985, the Bryn Mawr Reading Series has brought major American and international writers in all literary genres to engage with students and the Philadelphia area community.
We strive to reinforce the success of our diverse student body through offering guidance in the navigation of College policies and guidelines throughout their academic careers at Bryn Mawr.
Residential Life
Residence halls at Bryn Mawr provide simple, comfortable living spaces that promote full participation in the life of the College community and encourage individual growth.
Angie Sheets, Associate Dean for Residential Life
Phone 610-526-7331
Restorative Practice
Conflict resolution focused on the harm done and ways to move forward with accountability measures.
Courtney Newkirk, Restorative Practice and Support Coordinator
Phone 610-526-5375
Romance Languages
The Departments of French and Francophone Studies, Transnational Italian Studies, and Spanish cooperate in offering a major in Romance Languages that requires advanced work in at least two romance languages and literatures.
Katherine (Katie) Pidot, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5198
The Bryn Mawr College Department of Russian, established in 1943, offers an undergraduate program of study that has become nationally and internationally renowned.
Billie Jo Ember, Department Coordinator, Russian; Co-Director of the Russian Language Institute
Phone 610-526-7504
Science Support Services
The Science Support Services Department (SSSD) is a go-to, problem-solving group that works to accomplish the goals of students and faculty on class and lab work, research, design, and more.
Sexual Misconduct
Any community member concerned about sexual misconduct should immediately contact the College’s Title IX Coordinator:
The Department of Sociology at Bryn Mawr College offers students particular opportunities to study societies of the Global North and South, the relation of individuals and groups to society and culture, and the contribution of sociological perspectives to formation of public opinion and debate.
David Marchino, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5030
At Bryn Mawr College, students are challenged to go beyond traditional language instruction and gain a greater understanding of the richness and diversity of Hispanic culture and its profound global impact.
Katherine (Katie) Pidot, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5198
Sponsored Research Office
The Office of Sponsored Research is designed to serve members of the Bryn Mawr community in their attempts to obtain and administer grant support for research and other scholarly activities.
Staff Association
The Staff Association's mission is twofold: to provide formal lines of communication between staff members, College administration, and other members of the College community; and to provide forums in which staff members can discuss and learn more about College policies, procedures, and employment conditions.
Student Accounts
The Student Accounts Office, located on the second floor of Cartref Building, is available to assist you with questions regarding the billing and payment of tuition and fees.
Student Employment Office
Students: Find information on job levels and pay rates, the Student Employment Portal, and how to submit feedback.
Syndi Bleiweis, Assistant Director, Human Resources
Phone 610-526-5264
Student Engagement
The Office of Student Engagement strives to create a vibrant, purposeful, and supportive college community where students make a difference, develop healthy and meaningful relationships with others, advocate for their interests, learn about themselves, and develop leadership and life skills.
Student Success
Through advising and programming, we help students learn about available opportunities and resources and make decisions about when and how to take advantage of them. We work with students through their educational and personal Bryn Mawr journey, both inside and outside the classroom, understanding that successes and struggles in one area are likely to affect other areas as well.
Anne Marie McElwee, Administrative Assistant, Undergraduate Dean's Office
Phone 610-526-5375
Study Abroad
Study Abroad promotes the academic, professional, and personal growth of undergraduates at the College.
Summer Science Research
Undergraduate research initiatives are central to Bryn Mawr College's approach to science education. All science majors are encouraged to conduct mentored research projects during the summer and/or academic year.
As interest in the environment and preserving our beautiful planet continues to grow, Bryn Mawr College has committed to environmental sustainability.
Teaching and Learning Institute
Funded originally by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and now supported jointly by Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges, the Teaching and Learning Institute (TLI) embraces a partnership model of faculty and student academic development.
The Impact Center
The Impact Center for Community, Equity, and Understanding implements programs and activities that address issues of diversity, power, and privilege with a goal of improving the campus climate and enhancing community life at Bryn Mawr College.
Ann-Therese Ortíz, Associate Dean for Equity, Inclusion, and Community Life
Phone 610-526-6592
One important thing to know about Theater at Bryn Mawr College is that everyone is welcome—no matter their level of experience. Curiosity, hard work, and excitement are qualities the faculty and staff hold dear, in themselves and in their students, and with those qualities, students are well set up to learn the skills involved in theater.
Mark E. Lord, Theresa Helburn Chair of Drama, Director and Professor of Theater
Phone 610-526-5300
Transnational Italian
The Transnational Italian Studies Department at Bryn Mawr serves the Trico community and offers an interdisciplinary and a transnational course of study that explores the works of canonical Italian authors alongside traditionally marginalized voices, bringing together issues of gender and sexuality, language and class, race and ethnicity.
Katherine (Katie) Pidot, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5198
The mission of the Bryn Mawr College Transportation Department is to link the Tri-College Community of Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore Colleges by providing professional, safe and timely transportation.
Tri-Co Philly Program
The Tri-Co Philly Program is a semester-long program that provides students both curricular and co-curricular activities in Philadelphia. This urban experience facilitates engagement with the diversity, complexity, innovation, and systems of the city.
Calista Cleary, Tri-Co Philly Program Planning Director
Phone 610-795-1576
Undergraduate College
The Undergraduate College Division is committed to excellence, transformation, and social consciousness. We support students to explore their personal and academic interests to become thoughtful contributors in an ever-changing world.
Liana Henrie, Executive Assistant to the Dean of the Undergraduate College
Phone 610-526-5374
Web Services
Web Services collaborates with campus administrative and academic offices as well as individual community members in support of institutional, departmental, and personal web presence needs.
Writing Center
The Bryn Mawr College Writing Center offers free, individual consultations on writing and public speaking. The mission of the Writing Center is to bring writing out into the open, support writers as they grow, and promote agency and confidence in the members of our community.
Wyndham Alumnae House
Wyndham's public rooms are decorated with many of the furnishings collected or the old Deanery. With wonderful gifts from alumnae/i, as well as the imaginative blend of period pieces that characterized the Deanery, the historically accurate interior of Wyndham offers a unique and comfortable setting, whatever the reason for visiting.